How To Create A Successful Blog

Blogs are websites that focus on articles related to a specific topic, chosen by the author. If you like to write, or have a particular passion that you’d like to share with others, I’ll show you how you can create … Read More

Major Beneficiaries of Video-Sharing Websites

Video sharing websites are essentially online portals for content creators. Moviemakers, Musicians, Podcast hosts, and comedians cannot afford to overlook the digital landscape’s huge potential. Video-Sharing websites act as destinations where users can access on-demand video content. Billions, sometimes trillions, … Read More

RAM and games

Playing games on the computer is one of the main purposes of personal computers. When buying or downloading a game it is mandatory to read the System … Read More

Kick-Starting Online Marketing for Your Business

In this new digital age, you can’t afford to miss out on the online space; whether you are a small business or corporate. But what does online marketing cost? And how exactly should you go about it? That’s what we … Read More

How Computing Technology Has Changed

We can sometimes take computing systems for granted. They have been so integrated into our lives, that it is easy to forget they are a relatively new invention. In recent years, they have rapidly developed, with impressive innovations being made … Read More

Where do You Store Your Data?

The main thing that is kept on a computer is data. Example: songs, movies, videos, games, and photos. The main hardware component that is responsible … Read More

What Are Computers?

A Computer is an electronic device that is used to process, store, view date. A computer can be programmed with instructions and it can carry out logi … Read More

Technology’s Role in Healthcare

Technology has come to play a very important role in the day to day lives of almost everyone all over the world. It is how people get their news, talk to friends and family, set their alarms, work, travel and … Read More

Computers Basic Knowledge

History of computers
If you are familiar with the movie ” The imitation game” then you are familiar with the name “Alan Turing”. He was an English mat … Read More

Computer Viruses

“Wanna Cry
Have you heard about the “Wanna cry” attack?
In 2017 more than 230,000 computers worldwide were infected by an unknown virus. The Wanna Cry … Read More