Virtual reality headset is a device that any user can wear on their head and experience a virtual reality world. The virtual reality world is not the same world of the wearer. It is a completely new reality.
What Virtual reality headset do is that they provide a separate image for each eye which gives the illusion of a 3D world. They have sensors that track the head motion (gyroscopes, accelerometers, structured light systems), stereo sound, eye tracking sensors, and game controllers.
It is used in many fields like a medical field where they train students on how to perform a surgery. It allows them to perform essential procedures in a virtual, controlled environment.
It can be used also in the military field where they train soldiers without any harm.
List of virtual reality headsets
- Oculus Rift: developed by Facebook and Contains Accelerometer, gyroscope magnetometer
- PlayStation VR: developed by Sony interactive entertainment and Contains gyroscope magnetometer
- Samsung Gear VR: developed by Samsung Electronics and Contains Accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity sensor
- Microsoft Hololens: developed by Microsoft.
- Google Daydream View.
- Samsung ExynosVR III: under development.
- Samsung Odyssey: developed by Samsung Electronics and Contains Accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity sensor, and IPD sensor.